This is story of faith on many levels. We started the design of this beautiful home in the woods in 2002. the husband and wife were very thorough in their planning of their dream home, not only in the design details, but in their timeline and budget. The building phase was planned in two stages; first, a garage apartment in which they could visit and stay; second, the main house. Their lives were also planned out, threading through the construction schedule since they planned on retiring and leaving Florida to make their permmanent home here in the mountains. During the first phase of the project, the wife was diagnosed with cancer and started her treatment. She managed to live long enough to see this phase completed and spent a few nights enjoying her beautiful garage apartment before she passed away. The husband, now a widower, proceeded with their original plans to complete the home. He moved into the garage apartment and started a new life. The construction ofthe main house was almost complete when he was diagnosed with a cancer similar to that of his wife. Yet faith kept him going and he not only completed the construction of the main house, but braved the chemo treatments and surgeries that have granted him new life once again. In the spring of this year, he and his new bride finished the interior decorating of the main house and moved into their retreat in the woods where they will live out their days in happiness together.